By utilising AI technology, we aim to provide businesses with relevant and high-quality leads, while also making it easier for users to discover the products and services they need. Our App is designed to facilitate connections and help users find what they're looking for quickly and easily.

Your connections on our App can be made visible to others or kept private, depending on the privacy settings you choose. If you opt to keep your connections list public, then anyone visiting your profile will be able to see your connections. However, if you prefer to keep your connections list private, then only mutual connections will be visible.

We incentivize our users with CURD coins throughout their journey on our App. We have allocated approximately 20% of the total 1 billion CURD coins minted for marketing purposes.

Our aim is to create a fair and rewarding environment for our users and businesses, while also ensuring that the allocation of CURD coins remains sustainable over the long term. By incentivizing our users with CURD coins, we hope to encourage participation and engagement on our App, leading to more connections and better outcomes for all.

No, a business cannot incentivize a user with CURD coins for leaving a review on our App. This is because we value authenticity and genuineness of feedback from users, and incentivizing reviews can compromise the integrity of the review process.

The content you see on your profile is visible to everyone who has shown interest in that particular industry, regardless of their location. We use AI technology to customise the content based on your industry, analysing the kind of content you have been viewing and pushing similar content to the top of your feed. This ensures that you see relevant and useful content that is tailored to your professional interests.

Currently the coins can be used by businesses for referrals and closing deals.Businesses can use these coins to reward users who refer their business or convert the coins to a fiat currency.

Users on the other hand can use these coins to subscribe to premium packages within the App or shop with retailers who have started accepting these coins as a form of payment .CURD is the utility token of CURD App. In the future, these coins will need to be purchased on App. So, it's a good idea to start collecting coins now to take advantage of the benefits in the future.

While we have very little content on our app yet, there are still benefits to registering with us. By joining our App, you will be part of a growing community of businesses and users who are interested in your industry. You will be able to connect with potential customers, network with other businesses, and establish your brand on our App.

In addition, we will be launching new features soon that will help you grow your business and reach new users. These features will include the ability to create and share content, a payment gateway, and an app wallet to store your CURD coins. By being an early adopter, you will have a head start in using these features to promote your business and reach more customers.

Furthermore, we are constantly working on improving our App and adding new features to enhance the user experience. As we grow, we will be promoting the businesses on our App to a wider audience, which will help drive traffic to your business.

So, while we may not have content on our app yet, there are still many benefits to joining our App and being part of our growing community.

If you add a business to your trust circle on our App, it will be visible to your network. However, if you add an individual (person) to your network, the visibility depends on your privacy settings. Adding a business to your trust circle is a way to recommend and endorse the business to your network.

The review will be visible in the review section of your business profile on our App. We have added a filter due to which you can see reviews given by your very own connections, if they have done so.

Our App has several unique features that distinguish us from other social media platforms. Firstly, we offer a unique referral system that allows businesses or users to request referrals from their first-level connections. This means that you can easily leverage your existing network to connect with new potential customers or partners. Secondly, our feed is tailored to your specific interests, both professional and personal. Unlike other social media platforms, you won't be bombarded with irrelevant content. Finally, our model is based on a pay-per-referral system. This means that businesses only pay a small fee after a referral has been successfully closed, which provides a more cost-effective way to advertise.

Our App leverages blockchain technology to incentivize users and businesses with our native cryptocurrency coins. We use a hybrid model where the app is available on both Google Play store and IOS App store, but the incentive mechanism is built on web3 blockchain technology. This means that users can earn coins for certain actions on our App, such as referring new users or completing certain tasks. These coins can be stored in a secure digital wallet, which is integrated into our App.

By using blockchain technology, we can ensure that our rewards system is transparent, secure, and tamper-proof. Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing a transparent and immutable record of all the coin transfers. This helps to prevent fraud and ensures that users can trust our App. Additionally, by integrating with web3, we can provide users with more control over their data and privacy.

Overall, our use of blockchain technology allows us to offer a more secure, transparent, and rewarding experience for our users and businesses.

No, it is not possible to promote or advertise a referral post on our App..The primary purpose of referral posts is to enable individuals to receive referrals from their network of connections, which helps in making faster and more informed decisions. By restricting referrals to one's trusted connections, the App aims to assist users in monetizing and leveraging their networks. Allowing the promotion or advertisement of referral posts to a broader audience would defeat the App’s core purpose.

No, the reviews given by users on our app will not automatically reflect on Google Reviews. Our review system is designed to prioritise personalised reviews from a user's relevant connections rather than showing reviews from everyone. When a user visits a business page on our app, they will be able to see reviews specifically from their network displayed prominently at the top. This approach enhances the user experience by providing trusted reviews from people they have a direct relationship with. Integrating our review system with Google Reviews would go against our purpose of maintaining a personalised and curated review experience within our app.

  • Targeted Audience: By writing a review on our App, users have the opportunity to directly engage with their trust circle—a network of connections they value and trust. Sharing their experiences and recommendations within this trusted community allows users to have a more targeted impact and influence, as their reviews reach individuals who are more likely to value and act upon their insights.
  • Tailored Recommendations: While Google reviews provide a broader reach, our platform offers a personalised and curated experience. By contributing a review on CURD, users contribute to a system that generates recommendations based on their specific preferences, interests, and trusted connections. This results in more tailored and relevant recommendations for both the user and others within their trust circle.
  • Community Engagement: Writing reviews on our App fosters a sense of community and connection among users. By actively participating and sharing their experiences, users contribute to the collective knowledge and benefit from the insights of others. This community-driven engagement can enhance the overall experience and make it more fulfilling for users who value being a part of a trusted network.

Yes, users can share the post on their social media profiles as a link with a preview. Once any user clicks on that link or preview, they will be redirected to the CURD App.

Yes, you can edit a review after posting. You cannot write multiple reviews for a business but you can edit your previously written review.